Buying Grocery – 100 common words in German

One of the things I decided to learn early on was the use of the most used German words in everyday chores like grocery. There was no logic to it. I was trying to find the most repeatable use cases in real life circumstances.

Here are about a 100 words give or take with their very basic and simple application

Apfel – Apple

Banane – Banana

Karotte – Carrot

Tomate – Tomato

Zwiebel – Onion

Gurke – Cucumber

Paprika – Bell pepper

Kartoffel – Potato

Salat – Lettuce

Brot – Bread

Milch – Milk

Ei – Egg

Käse – Cheese

Joghurt – Yogurt

Butter – Butter

Zucker – Sugar

Mehl – Flour

Salz – Salt

Pfeffer – Pepper

Reis – Rice

Nudeln – Pasta

Öl – Oil

Essig – Vinegar

Kaffee – Coffee

Tee – Tea

Wasser – Water

Saft – Juice

Limonade – Lemonade

Schokolade – Chocolate

Eis – Ice cream

Fleisch – Meat

Huhn – Chicken

Rindfleisch – Beef

Schweinefleisch – Pork

Hackfleisch – Ground meat

Fisch – Fish

Lachs – Salmon

Thunfisch – Tuna

Garnelen – Shrimp

Meeresfrüchte – Seafood

Marmelade – Jam

Nutella – Nutella

Honig – Honey

Ketchup – Ketchup

Senf – Mustard

Mayonnaise – Mayonnaise

Gewürze – Spices

Kräuter – Herbs

Essigessenz – Vinegar essence

Backpulver – Baking powder

Vanillezucker – Vanilla sugar

Hefe – Yeast

Haferflocken – Oats

Nüsse – Nuts

Chips – Chips

Schokoriegel – Chocolate bar

Kekse – Cookies

Eiswürfel – Ice cubes

Tiefkühlpizza – Frozen pizza

Tiefkühlgemüse – Frozen vegetables

Tiefkühlfisch – Frozen fish

Tiefkühlobst – Frozen fruit

Tiefkühlkuchen – Frozen cake

Müsli – Granola

Cornflakes – Cornflakes

Hafermilch – Oat milk

Sojamilch – Soy milk

Mandelmilch – Almond milk

Frischkäse – Cream cheese

Margarine – Margarine

Eisbergsalat – Iceberg lettuce

Spinat – Spinach

Blumenkohl – Cauliflower

Brokkoli – Broccoli

Erbsen – Peas

Mais – Corn

“Geben Sie mir bitte eine Dose Mais.” (Please give me a can of corn.)

Kidneybohnen – Kidney beans

Linsen – Lentils

Champignons – Mushrooms

Tomatenmark – Tomato paste

Gemüsebrühe – Vegetable broth

Hühnerbrühe – Chicken broth

“Geben Sie mir bitte eine Packung Hühnerbrühe.” (Please give me a packet of chicken broth.)

Brühe – Broth

Konserven – Canned goods

Kichererbsen – Chickpeas

Oliven – Olives

Gurkenscheiben – Pickles

Mayonnaise – Mayonnaise

Salz – Salt

Pfeffer – Pepper

Gewürzmischung – Spice mix

Essig – Vinegar

Öl – Oil

Brötchen – Rolls

Croissants – Croissants

I am not a teacher, educator or an expert in German. Learning German is a pass-time hobby for me. I have A2 level fluency. What I write here are things I have learnt on the go. It's unorthodox. It follows no syllabus and is tailored towards my own utility and use case over perfection.