Our body parts in German (with examples sentences)

In any language the simpler things come first. Like alphabets, numbers, colours and basic everyday words that one might require to use or communicate like a toddler. In this chapter I am compiling what am learning in the simplest possible manner to describe our bodies. (I have used simplified translation to just convey the core meaning in English.)

Head – Kopf

Hair – Haare

Face – Gesicht

Eye – Auge

Nose – Nase

Mouth – Mund

Ear – Ohr

Neck – Hals

Shoulder – Schulter

Arm – Arm

Hand – Hand

Finger – Finger

Leg – Bein

Foot – Fuß

Toe – Zeh

Chest – Brust

Stomach – Bauch

Back – Rücken

Knee – Knie

Ankle – Knöchel

Elbow – Ellbogen

Wrist – Handgelenk

Palm – Handfläche

Hip – Hüfte

Thigh – Oberschenkel

Calf – Wade

Heel – Ferse

Sole – Fußsohle

Chest – Brustkorb

Spine – Wirbelsäule

Skull – Schädel

Forehead – Stirn

Cheek – Wange

Chin – Kinn

Lip – Lippe

Tongue – Zunge

Teeth – Zähne

Fingernail – Fingernagel

Eyebrow – Augenbraue

Eyelash – Wimper

These are just a few examples of body parts in German. However, German nouns have different genders, so you will see der, die, or das in front of each body part depending on its gender.

I am not a teacher, educator or an expert in German. Learning German is a pass-time hobby for me. I have A2 level fluency. What I write here are things I have learnt on the go. It's unorthodox. It follows no syllabus and is tailored towards my own utility and use case over perfection.